About Us
What is a service and how do you map your own service portfolio?
What is a service and how do you map your own service portfolio?
syscovery Business Solutions
syscovery Business Solutions GmbH looks back on over 20 years of expierence and innovation in software business and in own software products and service platforms like SavvySuite. Over 2.5 million licenses have been sold to national and international customers from several industrial sectors and business service areas.
The secret of our success is not only our dedication but also the wish of helping our customers to keep on improving their performance. This is why we rely on creativity, expierence, knowledge and structured methods to gain professional results. Our main goal is to automate complex IT systems and gain transparency on complex processes in order to obtain sustainability as well as lower operational costs.
Extensive range of advice and consultancy
IT organizations and IT service providers appreciate the partnership and competent cooperation with us. The use of the software products has a concrete business advantage for our customers: Sustainable reduction of IT costs while at the same time increasing end user satisfaction.
Trust this competence and use our extensive range of consulting and advisory services to get the best solution for your company.
We are proud to have these giants on our side
syscovery Business Solutions GmbH is certified to have introduced and applied a quality management system for the following customer scopes: design, conceptual design and application of IT lifecycle management systems, consultation and support.
Evidence to ensure that this management system meets the requirement of the ISO 9001:2015 standard was presented in the form of audits.
BITKOM is the voice of the IT, telecommunications and new media industry. BITKOM represents more than 1,700 companies, of which more than 1,200 are direct members. These include nearly all global players and 800 high-performance mid-size companies and numerous founder-operated, creative companies. The BITKOM members produce a sales volume of 135 billion euros and export high-tech products worth 50 billion euros. As a result, BITKOM represents approximately 90 percent of the German ICT market.
On the Ariba Network, you can collaborate with us during the ordering process, submit invoices and other documents, and manage catalogs reliably and securely.
The list of our valuable customers
Contact us
In our free demo sessions, we not only show you how to get your IT costs under control, but also what benefits and possible uses the SavvySuite and the use of our service catalogue, self-services and identity management offer you!