Release 1.11.1 – BCM and provision worker
The new the SavvySuite release is ready. Finally the first features for the Provision Worker are available. Read more about this big and many small changes.
Target group: Provision Worker
Since the introduction of the new web application, our focus in terms of tasks (Work Orders) has so far been on the acceptance by service recipients or orderers. Now we have taken on the group of people who process tasks to perform manual fulfillment steps. Here it is important that the daily work is supported as efficiently as possible. For this purpose, we have created a completely new page that can be customized. Which tasks should be displayed? How should they be grouped and sorted? Which data fields should be displayed in which order? All of this can be designed by each agent for themselves. Save the entire configuration in a profile, which is automatically reloaded exactly the same way the next time the program is started. Do you work in a team? Then you will be interested in the fact that these profiles can be saved in such a way that all colleagues can also load and use the profile, but also adapt it to their own needs.
A new license has also been introduced for the Provision Worker. However, there are no disadvantages for you as a customer. All existing WM Extended User licenses will be converted free of charge, so you can start directly with the new Provision Worker functions.
The new Business Configuration Manager
You should remember the name. Everything you used to know from Decentralized Catalog Administration can now be found in the Business Configuration Manager. Added to this is an area where organizational structures and persons can be exported and imported. The option previously available in the Administration application to export to and import csv files is now even more convenient: use your browser to obtain and import files in Excel format. As usual, access to this function can be controlled via permissions.
You used to maintain position assignments for people in the Classic web application? – You can forget it! From now on, this function is also available in the Business Configuration Manager. Navigate through the organizational structure in a tree view with a convenient search function, create position holders or remove position assignments.
Version 2 of the Web API ready
There was so much news here that the changes required a new version. Organizational units and persons can now also be created, modified or deleted via the API. In addition, it is possible to retrieve positions and add and remove position assignments. In addition, it is now also possible to perform all Entitlement Management functions available to users via the API. Thus, all functions from maintaining data owners, ordering and terminating authorizations, to retrieving authorization information from inventory and order items are now accessible via simple interfaces. In addition, accessories can be ordered to different organizational units or locations, and business processes can be triggered simultaneously for multiple pieces of equipment. And you can now use document attachments in all interfaces.
Supported software
Do you stay up to date? So do we. From now on, Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 are supported, but we are discontinuing support for Windows 7. The new web application can no longer be used with Internet Explorer 11 as well as Edge before version 79. Nothing changes for the Classic Web Application.