The “Große Liebfrauensaal” of the conference center “Das Wormser” was filled as never before with about 40 participants. On 21 and 22 May 2019 syscovery had invited to the sixth customer forum in Worms.
As in previous years, Dr. Peter Schwamb, Managing Director of syscovery GmbH, opened this year’s event with his key note. He examined the topic of agile organization identified by Forrester as a top trend. How do the SavvySuite and the syscovery consulting team support your company in becoming more agile?
SavvySuite Kundenforum 2019
The participants also knew the next programme item from the previous year. In order to get an idea of who they were dealing with, the participating companies briefly introduced themselves and described the scenarios in which they used the SavvySuite. In addition to many familiar faces, a new customer from Switzerland was warmly welcomed. The fact that the shortage of skilled workers is also a problem in IT was heard from several participants, who also included the information that there are still vacancies to be filled in their presentation for the introduction round.
Uwe Sacherer thankfully addressed the topic of advertising in his next presentation. He reported on various feedback & future sessions in which colleagues from product management visited our customers to take a closer look at difficulties and challenges and encouraged them to take advantage of the offer in the future as well. Topics that were raised several times, he now examined in more detail: language and language conversion; how to proceed when inactive employees are still assigned to active equipment; order placement by the deadline; and importing and distributing variable costs.
In the lunch break, participants were treated to a small buffet with offers such as “Moroccan bulgur salad with eggplant, peppers with mint coriander dip”, cocktail empanadas or shrimps in a dough coat. At the bar tables in the foyer, the opportunity was eagerly taken to speak personally with other customers or syscovery employees, with whom one exchanges e-mails or makes phone calls for the rest of the year.
Bastian Wolf
In the next talk, Bastian Wolf, the head of SavvySuite product development, informed about the new features in release 1.10.2, which was released in January. The web-based decentralized catalog administration was newly introduced. Additional functionalities in the new web application were mainly available for key users in Identity Management and Entitlement Management. There were improvements in setting up representatives and ordering accessories. In the administration application, the support for the configuration of workflows was improved and the possibility of inventory data evaluation for improved catalog display was implemented.
The subsequent customer presentation by Harald Brech, Deutsche Telekom IT GmbH, dealt with anonymizing and pseudonymizing. He presented the concepts he uses to delete personal data that is no longer required or to store it in compliance with the law. From the general conditions to the analysis of previous processes and the technical implementation, the participants gained an intensive insight into the recently implemented project.
Block five was another regular component of the customer forums. Customers who had taken part in Feedback & Future Workshops were asked in advance to develop suggestions for changes. Five suggestions from three customers were presented.
Dr. Peter Schwamb und Uwe Sacherer
The customer representatives described their ideas, Uwe Sacherer supplemented the syscovery implementation proposals:
- Adoption of the functionalities for the business process Product change into the HTML5 web application
- Graphical representation of the order status on the order item detail page
- Exchangeability of bundle equipment through a business process
- Undoing Changes to Selected Data Objects
- Key users can save the list of selected articles and reload it at a later time.
In a neck-and-neck race, proposal 5 with 19 votes overtook proposal 1 with 16 votes at the end. It will now be implemented for the next release.
On the way to the evening program, a flexible navigation system was required, as two roadblocks had to be turned around. Also the local taxi drivers had their problems. Happily arriving in Worms-Herrnsheim, the group learned a lot about vinegar production and was allowed to try a few things. After a short hike the evening ended with a dinner in Herrnsheim Castle.
Bastian Wolf
At the beginning of the second day, Bastian Wolf intensively dealt with the possibilities offered by bundles for designing the service catalogue. The focus was on variants of the process configuration and possibilities for changing the bundle composition.
Peter Suhling then examined critical infrastructures from the perspective of an ISO 27001 auditor.
In Block 8, Reinhard Kehl, Head of Consulting, dealt with the quality of master data in an implementation project. He explained why the data quality is critical for an implementation project and how the consultants analyse the data in practice “on dry land” with a simulation in advance. Using the example of missing address data, he demonstrated the possibilities of dealing with the situation at short notice in order to still be able to meet deadlines.
During the lunch break, after enjoying a tomato mozzarella burgers or carrot and coconut soup with ginger and similar delicacies, several customers took the opportunity to take a look at the latest release of the Savvy Suite on the demo notebooks or to ask questions that had arisen in the discussion about the various implementation options. The experts of syscovery were available for all questions.
Reinhard Kehl
In the last lecture of the day, Bastian Wolf looked into the future. After a short preview of the release, which is already in development, he dealt with the question how a smooth transition from the Classic Web application to the new HTML5 Web application could look like. Then there were some other improvements that are planned for the near future. His concluding remark that future changes will also be strongly influenced by the feedback of our customers in the Feedback & Future Workshops closed the circle to the first presentation.
With a vinegar presentation in their luggage and many new food for thought, the participants started their return journey. Not least due to the crosses on the evaluation forms, the participants gave very positive feedback and announced that they would be happy to return next year.